Course Content

Component 1: Theatre Workshop

Students will create, develop and perform a piece of theatre based on a reinterpretation of an extract chosen by the examination board. The piece will use the techniques and working methods of either an influential theatre practitioner or a recognised theatre company.

Component 2: Text in Action

Students will create, develop and perform two pieces of theatre based on a stimulus supplied by the examination board. One will use different techniques and working methods of either an influential theatre practitioner or a recognised theatre company (as chosen in Component 1) and one will use an extract from a text in a different style chosen by the student.

Component 3: Text in Performance

Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of two different texts, one written pre1956 and one written post-1956. They will also be required to answer questions on a specified extract from ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NightTime’, Mark Hadden, adapted by Simon Stephens

1: Theatre WorkshopPracticalN/A20%
2: Text In ActionPracticalN/A40%
3: Text In PerformancePractical2h 30m40%

Key Info

  • Start Date: September 2024
  • Awarding Body: EDUQAS
  • Study Mode: Full Time
  • Course Length: 2 Years

Entry Requirements

Complementary Subjects

Career Opportunities