The AG6 Student Union
Our Students’ Union is run by the students for the students. The Student Union is a group of dedicated students from Year 12 and 13 who work together to make ag6 an enjoyable and social experience for all.
The SU is divided into ‘segments’, each with a president and a specific focus. These include: well being, charity, events, academic enrichment, media and language mastery. The SU hold weekly meetings and plan social events, charity functions and act as the voice of our student body.
This year, the SU have hosted many events, including: Open Mic sessions, Pumpkin Carving, Pub Quizzes, Bingo and there are many more in the pipeline! They have also been busy designing the logo for the ag6 hoodies, refurbishing the wellbeing room and selecting a charity to support.
The SU work really hard as a team. They are making such a difference in ag6, are developing valuable skills and we are very proud.
If you would like to apply, fill in an application form, have an informal interview to share your ideas and skillset and you too can become part of the team!
Extended Project

All ag6 students are encouraged to get involved in our Extended Project Qualification. This can be on any subject of a student’s interest. It can take any format from a written project to a performance or piece of artwork and encourages independent learning. Universities particularly value this qualification.
Tomorrow’s Teachers
The aim of this programme is to offer those of you who might be considering a career in teaching (at Primary or Secondary) the opportunity to engage in realistic, hands-on observation/discussion of the various areas that make-up a teacher’s daily responsibilities. We are very proud of the fact that several former participants are now practicing teachers in either the Secondary or Primary phases.
The course will run during year 12 with some work-shop sessions delivered by Alder Grange staff who, through being part of the SCITT, are working at the fore-front of Initial Teacher Training and are experts in training graduates to become qualified teachers.
There are two modules in the Tomorrow’s Teachers programme:
- Learning and Teaching
- Behaviour for Learning
Each module involves a series of weekly sessions that ‘un-pack’ the ideas in that part of the programme. Basically, Tomorrow’s Teachers is about children; how they learn and how we can support them to realise their potential!
As part of your studies you will have the opportunity to learn how to carry-out meaningful classroom observation in Alder Grange (the 11-16 main school). You will be attached to a class and be able to observe first-hand the theories and strategies being put into action by a practicing teacher.