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The Being an Alder Granger award is all about recognising all the different activities that you get involved in and the variety of different ways in which you can demonstrate, each day, what it means to belong to our school community.

We are proud of all of you and want you to be able to gain an award that allows you to demonstrate to everyone that you are a true: ‘Alder Granger!’

You can see from the menu of activities on the Being an Alder Granger posters that there are all sorts of things that you can do to gain the award.

We have asked the School Council to get your ideas on the activities and we have added in as many of your ideas as we can.

This is Your award and we want to celebrate with you everything that you do to be an Alder Granger. We all know true ‘Alder Grangers’ never stop trying to be the best they can be.

At Christmas and Easter we will reward theTop 10 pupils’ in each year group as they are progressing through the award.

Here are the number of activities you need to complete to gain the Being an Alder Granger award at the end of each school year:

It is never too late to get involved and there is something for everyone to do so that you can gain the Being an Alder Granger award.

By gaining this award throughout your time with Alder Grange you can truly say:

Once an Alder Granger always an Alder Granger!