At Alder Grange we believe that working together is essential for the success of our students; vital to this success is the partnership of all members of our community: parents, pupils and school staff.

This involves: 

Developing a continued “love of school” and sense of belongingEnsuring pupils have a positive view of ‘what they are good at’; achieve their potential; thrive in school and make strong academic progress.Fueling ambition to be the best they can be, with informed, clear goals for next steps after Alder Grange

Therefore pupils and their parents are requested to sign up to a home/school agreement which clarifies the ways in which we expect all our pupils to conduct themselves whilst they are a member of our school. The act of signing the document seals the agreement to follow these expectations, resulting in a respectful, happy and safe learning environment for us all.

As a school we will:

  • Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment
  • Help and encourage your child to reach their full potential
  • Monitor and update you on your child’s progress at parent meetings and in regular reports
  • Regularly monitor and update you on your child’s attendance and punctuality
  • Communicate any concerns about your child’s attendance/behaviour/wellbeing with you as their parent or carer, and respond to any concerns from your child or from you
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that caters for all children
  • Make every effort to enable all pupils to achieve high standards of work and behaviour by building positive relationships and developing a sense of individual responsibility.
  • Teach and reinforce the 3Rs (Being Ready, Responsible & Respectful)
  • Set homework that supports the delivery of the curriculum and provide feedback as appropriate
  • Communicate between home and school through email, telephone, school social media and the school website
  • Respond to communications from parents in a timely manner, following the school communication policy
  • Value all students as individual members of the school community

Parents/Carers – I will:

  • Make sure my child is dressed in the correct uniform and brings the necessary equipment to school
  • Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time. I will notify the school if my child will be absent before 9am on the first day of absence
  • Avoid holidays in term time
  • Avoid appointments within school hours, and minimise the time absent from school where this is impossible to avoid
  • Encourage my child to try their best so they can reach their full potential – making use of the school curriculum maps to support learning at home
  • Make sure that my child completes their homework on time and raises any issues with their teachers
  • Support the school to make sure my child maintains a consistently high standard of behaviour, encouraging my child to follow the 3Rs
  • Encourage my child to engage in the wider school curriculum and full school life
  • Read and support the school’s policies
  • Engage in parent meetings and work together with the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for my child
  • Read any communications sent home by the school and respond where necessary
  • Communicate to the school any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn
  • Make sure communication with the school is respectful, following the school communication policy and raise any disagreements with school privately & avoid doing so in front of my child
  • Understand that I should, wherever possible, communicate with staff during core school hours (8am -4pm) and understand that staff will respond in a timely manner, when they are able and within 3-5 working days.
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect

Pupils – I will:

  • Wear the correct school uniform
  • Bring to school all the equipment I need each day, including PE kit
  • Arrive at school and to my lessons every day on time, ready to learn
  • Try my best to do my work and ask for help if I need it
  • Understand and follow the 3Rs and take responsibility for my actions
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect and build positive relationships with all members of the school community, help each other and staff in school
  • Look after school equipment, and show respect for the school environment and local community
  • Join in with the wider life of school
  • Speak to an adult in school about any issues I’m experiencing that may affect my work or behaviour
  • Speak to an adult in school about any concerns I have about my, or other pupils’, safety; be an ‘upstander’
  • Remember I am representing the school outside school hours, and particularly on my journey to and from school and behave appropriately
  • Do my homework on time and raise any issues with my teachers
  • Be proud to be an Alder Granger

A print copy can be found below. If you need a physical copy or otherwise, please contact Reception.