
If you have any concerns about your own wellbeing (if you are a pupil) or the wellbeing of your child please do not hesitate to contact us. We can offer support and if we can not help we can signpost you to one of our partners.

National campaigns continue to highlight the support various organisations can offer to improve emotional health for all. Here are some free resources that you can access to help with any emotional health or wellbeing issue that may be affecting you, members of your family, or your child. School are always willing to talk to you about the support that we may be able to offer your child but you may also wish to look at these resources to see what they can offer.

Online Safety – Useful links

General Advice

NSPCC – Keeping children safe – Online safety

Internet matters – Online safety guide

Safer Internet – Parents and Carers resources


Talking to your child

NSPCC – Talking child online safety

Resources for Children

NSPCC – Online resources for children


Reporting Content

CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection – Safety Centre

Safer Internet  – Reporting harmful content

Mental Health Support Team (MHST)