
Curriculum Intent

Our unique and individually tailored curriculum aims to underpin what it is to be an Alder Granger.

There is a clear and ambitious vision for high quality Health Education. The curriculum is well planned, sequential, relevant and purposeful and supports the progression of all pupils from their starting points to their end points, demonstrating improved skills, competencies whilst developing detailed knowledge, understanding and the cultural capital to succeed in life. They feel safe and there is a culture of safeguarding that supports effective arrangements.

Our curriculum intent aims to ensure that all pupils at Alder Grange are able to:

access an inclusive broad range of subjects – all pupils successfully complete their programmes of study in PE, Food and Nutrition and Health and Social Care. 

discover and develop their knowledge and passions – there is a wide and rich range of extra-curricular experiences that enhance and extend pupils’ interests and talents. There is a positive climate for learning, allowing pupils to be motivated, engaged and participate willingly, responding positively to the sporting, practical and cultural opportunities on offer through traditional and vocational routes.

be prepared for the future – the curriculum contributes exceptionally well to the development of pupils’ character, confidence, resilience and independence and supports their persistence in the face of challenges and difficulties. Pupils will learn how to eat well, maintain an active lifestyle and keep physically and mentally healthy. The curriculum will prepare and provide an exciting vision of their potential futures. We aim to empower pupils to have a lifelong enthusiasm for their own health and wellbeing.

be good citizens – pupils will appreciate how all aspects of health can make a difference to their attitudes and behaviour across the school and wider community, and how to be responsible, respectful and active citizens. The Health provision contributes strongly to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and effectively meets different pupils’ needs, including pupils with SEND.

The curriculum is intended to promote and value equally, the following cross-curricular themes:

  • Culture & the Arts
  • STEM & Digital technology
  • Language Mastery
  • Numeracy
  • Reasoning
  • Wellbeing – both physical, mental and social
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness & Citizenship
  • Mastery
  • Critical thinking
  • Independent learning skills
  • Extra curricular projects
  • Inclusion


Curriculum Team

Curriculum Leader: Mrs L Archer  – Leads KS3 | KS4 | KS5

Acting Curriculum Leader/Assistant Curriculum Leader: Mr S Bibby

Subject Teacher: Mr R Daverage

Subject Teacher: Miss F Mitchell

Subject Teacher: Mr A Good

Subject Teacher: Ms R Haworth – Food/Nutrition

For further information or to discuss any subject within the department, at any key stage, get in touch via email:

Careers / Future Options

There are a massive range of future study and careers options available following study of this subject.

This subject is compulsory and is available to study at our Sixth Form ‘ag6’.

The learning and skills developed in KS5 lessons support further studying this subject at university.

If you enjoy Physical Education as a subject you may want to consider the following career paths:

  • Fitness instructor
  • Gym instructor
  • Leisure centre assistant
  • Lifeguard
  • Outdoor leisure
  • PE and school sport coach
  • PE teacher
  • Personal trainer
  • Physiotherapist.
  • Professional sportsperson.
  • Sports and exercise science
  • Sports coach/consultant.
  • Sports policy at local and national level.
  • Uniformed public services
Business Skills

I want to start my own business

Coding is the future

Coding is the future. I love learning to code. I want to be a games designer when I am older.